Monday, August 31, 2009

14 Sleeps To Go...

Mummy went to see the physio today to make sure everything is good before we travel. She is a bit sore and got annoyed when she was doing the vacuuming. This time in 14 days mum - the vacuuming will be the last thing on your mind!

15 Sleeps To Go...

Mum is in a mood because Billy Connolly tickets are sold out. I hope she perks up before I have to spend all that time with her overseas!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

16 Sleeps To Go...

Ohhhhh this time in two weeks we'll almost be away!
Today mummy booked a nice hire car for Scotland, a pass to use in Holland and also a tour of Anne Frank's house and a windmill thingy in Holland. It's getting very exciting really!
If I go to sleep now - then tomorrow will be closer!

Friday, August 28, 2009

17 Sleeps To Go...

It's now almost unbearable! The excitement that is...Mummy has had a long week and it tired today and Daddy has gone to the footy without her so I am hoping that I can look at some things to do on holiday. I've asked if we can go to the Doll's House Museum but Mummy said no...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

18 Sleeps To Go...

I am really, really getting excited because in just over two weeks we will be on our way! Mummy said not to get too excited though because she has lots of things to do before then and is getting stressed. I don't care what she says.
18 sleeps!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

19 SleepsTo Go...

OK so I mean business! Mummy is a bit sad because she hasn't heard from her sister who lives in France for a month and a half and she keeps emailing and being sad each morning. I told mummy not to worry because we will still all be together as a family.
I want to book The Palace of Versailles tour tonight if mummy lets me use the credit card! excited!

20 Sleeps To Go...

I cheated - it's not really but I missed an entry yesterday and mummy laughs about my obsessive compulsive disorder but I don't think it's a joke - do you?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

21 Sleeps To Go...

Mummy made me stay up late last night and watch a Lonely Planet documentary on Amsterdam. It looks like fun (although adult fun...) I want to go and visit the secret annexe where Anne Frank and her family hid. I also want to go to the vodka museum...
Mummy and daddy need to stop messing around and hire a car so I can travel around Scotland in style. They have booked a room is a castle for us one night and I hope that it's haunted!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

22 Sleeps To Go...

The nice parcel delivery man just came with my order from Lonely Planet. Now I can read something at night time instead of being stuck in front of the computer all the time.
The list of Lonely Planet giudes is huge and daddy said that we'll have to pay a million dollars in excess baggage fees because mummy insists on having them all.
So far we have got:
Country Guides:
The Netherlands
City Guides:
Encounter Guides:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

23 Sleeps To Go...

Last night mummy and daddy booked the hotel for Amsterdam and also the train journey from Paris to Brussels - Brussels to Amsterdam. It's so exciting!
A summary of our trip is as follows:
16th September - 22nd September - London
22nd September - 27th September - Dublin
27th September - 2nd October - Paris
2nd October - 5th October - Amsterdam
5th October - Inverness
6th October - Edinburgh
7th October - Glasgow
I hope I have lots of fun!

Friday, August 21, 2009

24 Sleeps To Go...

Today I am going to look at things to do and places to go while we are in Amsterdam while mummy is at the gym and daddy is at the footy!
Hmmmmmmmm did you know that 24 days ago daddy had a comedy gig at The Rhino Room and Mummy couldn't perform because she was on that stupid Kick Start Diet and felt like death?
Not long now...

Ohhhh It's My First Time!

My name is Velvet and I'm a first time Blogger. I am a long time follower, as I sit in the study near the computer while my mummy rants and raves in her blog (don't tell her I said that!). I always wanted to try to write a blog but the opinions of a Beanie Kid are not in high demand these days.
In 25 sleeps, my mum, dad and I are heading off to Europe. I am very excited and have been spending lots of time looking at places we can visit. I hope you are able to follow my travels with me!
I had better dash, I can hear mum coming along the hallway.
Love and kisses
Velvet x