Monday, September 28, 2009


I am getting a little bit homesick I think because I am having trouble remembering everything that we have done. Poor mummy and daddy are really tired so I think a little sleep in is in order for them, I can't wait to go to Disneyland though!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dirty 'Ole Town...

Mummy and daddy went to a singing thing the other night where there were Irish dancers and all that. Mummy said it was fun. Daddy drank lots of Guinness. I stayed back at the hotel because it was for over 18s only.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dublin Town...

Mummy, Daddy and I are now in Dublin. It's seems quite nice and Daddy has had his first ever real pint of Guinness. He likes it. I thought it tasted like yuk.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Felt Like a Queen!

Today mummy and daddy took me to Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge. I didn't like Stonehenge much because it was scary. I liked the castle and all of the Baths though. I had a nice day and even got to ride a pig!

So Many Relatives!

Today mummy, daddy and I went on the train to Rochester to see mummy's relatives and the place that mummy grew up in. I got to be in a castle and Uncle Matt made me a boat to sit in at lunchtime. He's so funny!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

London Overdose...

Today Mummy and daddy dragged me everywhere with them and I was glad when mummy said that I could stay at the hotel instead of coming to see the silly play. We did heaps! I got to go in The Tower of London, saw the Crown Jewels, went on Tower Bridge, had a boat ride to Greenwich and even stood on the Meridian line! Phew...early night for this little Beanie kid!

Making New Friends...

Today I made some new friends. OK I know they were all made of wax but I don't care. We also walked up to the top of The Monument (it's 311 steps!) and took some photos. It was fun. Mummy had fun with me at an old prison and I thought she was being mean.

Some Sightseeing...

Today we did some sightseeing. Mummy and daddy got a bit tired because they haven't slept in a really long time but we did manage to do a Jack the Ripper walk, go on The London Eye and also do a London Lights tour. I love it here!

We're here!

I was so surprised how much leg room there was on the A380. I managed to get a little bit of sleep but could have done with some more. But you know how planes are!

1 Sleep To Go...

It's only one more sleep until we go to Europe. I am so excited!
I wonder of any of us will be able to sleep tonight?

2 Sleeps To Go...

Mummy has gone to bed with a headache because she had Tournament of Minds today and is really tired. I am trying my hardest to be good and quiet...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

3 Sleeps To Go...

3! I know! That's crazy isn't it? Mummy and daddy are angry because all of our printers broke and mummy hasn't printed any itineraries yet.
I am staying out of the way.

4 Sleeps To Go...

Tonight was mummy's last night at work for over four weeks and the ladies got her some nice goodies including a fab travel diary that she loves. I am getting more excited by the minute! Mum says I'm not allowed to pack too much coz of the weight...

5 Sleeps To Go...

Tonight mummy was given a lovely bracelet that she gave to me for a necklace because that's what Auntie Rebecca said to do and it's going to keep us safe when we travel. I like Auntie Rebecca! Mummy even cried a bit...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

6 Sleeps To Go...

Mummy and daddy got tickets to Billy Connolly so they are very happy. I think he is a bit naughty and looks like he could do with a nice bath but mummy told me not to be so rude. Teheeeeee.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

7 Sleeps To Go...

Daddy booked exit row seats today and I am excited because we will be able to see lots and have more space.

8 Sleeps To Go...

Mummy said if she hasn't heard from Aunty Julie that we will be going to The Palace of Versailles. I wanna go! I feel like a queen!

9 Sleeps To Go...

OMG Goodness!
In 9 little sleeps I'll be all packed and going on a big plane. I am so excited! Mummy and daddy went to the pub and wouldn't take me today. I don't care. There will be a lot of that when we go away.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

10 Sleeps To Go...

Ohhh now I only have to use two hands to count!

Friday, September 4, 2009

11 Sleeps To Go...

I really don't think that there is much left to do - expect for mummy chilling out a bit and daddy not working so much!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

12 Sleeps To Go...

This morning before mummy went to work she got an email from Randy Roy's confirming mummy and daddy's tour of the Red Light District in Amsterdam. I am not allowed to go and I think that's mean of them. I want to see pretty ladies dancing in the windows. I am not allowed to go to Moulin Rouge either. But that's OK. I'll do a lot.

13 Sleeps To Go...

Tonight mummy was really tired and she didn't have any time to work on the holiday. It's OK for her! She did have a quick look on the Internet and saw that a painting she likes is at The Louvre - it's called 'Whistler's Mother'. She got a bit excited then!