Friday, April 16, 2010

I Thought I Was in Antarctica!

Today daddy had to work so he got up early and went off to do his thing and mummy and I had a little sleep in.
Mummy took me to Kelly Tarlton's which is a place where they have lots of underwater critters and some king and gentoo penguins from Antarctica. I have never seen a penguin up close before and they were a bit freaky. I got to see snow (I haven't seen that before either) and go on a snow cat. That was fun.
Then mummy had to go and swim with the sharks in a shark tank. I was too scared to watch. I think mummy was scared because she was shaking. When she came out though she said it was fun.
I also got to see mummy feeding the giant sting rays - they were as a big as a bus! OK probably not that big but big anyways.
Mummy and daddy went to a steak place for tea and I stayed at the hotel because I was wet and tired (it started raining today).

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