Friday, April 16, 2010

I Thought It Was Just All A Bit Smelly!

The smelly geyser. Mummy got drenched - it was funny.
The boiling mud pools at Rotorua.
Outside the Waitomo Caves. I was glad to be in the daylight.

Today mummy, daddy and I went on a big trip. We visited the Waitomo Glow Worm Caves where we went on a boat through the caves and the glow worms lit up the ceiling. I was a bit scared of the dark. Then we went to Rotorua to see the big geyser that spurts water out into the air. We saw the Haka which scared me a bit because of the scary faces. I also got to meet some cool animals. Mummy and daddy were very tired on the way back to Auckland so I just looked out of the window at the pretty lights. I am glad we left Rotorua because it smelled like rotten eggs!

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